
健康主題特殊病症配方血糖配方-Michael's Naturopathic, 糖/葡萄糖代謝素180素食片

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  • Lab Tested
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  • Chromium · Nopales · Zinc...
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  • Vitamin, Mineral & Herb Supplement
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Supports sugar metabolism and the production of insulin by the pancreas. Provides ingredients for the nourishment and protection of the cardiovascular system, the liver and the pancreas and to help balance acidity in the bloodstream. It also provides support for the thyroid and adrenal glands.

髮旺旺Sugar metabolism

Thiamin and Niacin – help the body metabolize carbohydrates and fats; both needed as catalysts for important energy molecules.

Vanadium – animal studies have shown that vanadyl sulfate can potentiate髮旺旺 insulin.

Chromium – A mineral humans require in trace amounts.

Gymnema – Asian herb used for supporting髮旺旺 glucose/sugar metabolism.

Cardiovascular protection

Vitamin C is a cellular antioxidant and this function is protective at the cell membrane level. Insulin also mediates the transport of Vitamin C into cells. Along with niacin, helps chromium to be better absorbed.

髮旺旺 Manganese – The antioxidant enzyme system Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) located in mitochondrial membranes uses manganese at its active site.

Calcium and Magnesium – both help to neutralize acidity in the body.


Zinc – helps in the synthesis,髮旺旺 storage and secretion of insulin and proper function of pancreatic islets cells.

Nopales – (Opuntia, Prickly pear cactus) contains fiber and pectin, a soluble fiber; may help to decrease absorption of sugar in the body.

Cedar Berry and Blueberry Leaf – Traditionally used for support of the pancreas.

Liver Function Support 無痕褲

Milk Thistle髮旺旺 – helps to stimulate liver cells.

Pantothenic Acid – supports the adrenals for good communication with the床的世界 liver.

Iodine – supports thyroid for all energy processes including the basal metabolic rate (how fast or slow a person's metabolism operates).


Acidity – sugar can over-acidify the tissues.

Glutamine – the main small intestine gluconeogenic (glucose producing) substrate is glutamine; provides glucose for the nourishment of the small intestinal cells and also for the cells of the kidneys. May help eliminate craving for sugar.

Goldenseal – blood sugar metabolism.

Ginger – "packager" of herbal ingredients for better delivery.

Michael's Naturopathic, 糖/葡萄糖代謝素180素食片



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